Self-Planning for Self-Promotion: A Book Marketing without B.S. Web Workshop

I am doing an in-depth online workshop on self-promotion for all authors and comic creators. This isn’t just for the self-published, either. If you’re published by any house, big or small, you know how much work falls to you for your own book marketing and publicity. In fact, it’s telling that my clients primarily fall in the small-to-medium publisher category, with the next largest being major publishing houses. (And yes, I have a few self-published/owner-created comics clients, too!)

Right now there are two dates: Thursday, March 27th at 7 p.m. Eastern Time and Sunday, April 13th at 1 p.m. Eastern Time (get those tickets here). I will do this again a few times a year as long as there is interest, so if you miss these, let me know what time is good for you and I will take that into consideration when I schedule the next one. (Also, if you can gather 6 or more people interested in the workshop, I’ll create another event at a time chosen by your group.)

Here is a tentative course outline:

  • Pre-Planning
    • Honestly determine your strengths and capabilities
    • Choose the right tools for you
    • CreateSpace and other print-on-demand vs. traditional printing vs. ebook-only
    • Decide whether to create a business entity or publish under your own name
  • First Steps
    • Plan and Outline
    • How far in advance to send review requests?
    • How far in advance to hire help if you are going to?
    • How to get blurbs?
    • Publicity: interviews, guest blogging
    • What about traditional media?
    • One-sheets for mailed books
    • Book trailers and other video
  • Details
    • How many and what type of targets?
    • Get your data right here!
    • Review copies: physical vs. electronic
    • Keep consistent, good records
    • What does return on investment mean in this context?
    • Social media: tips, tricks, and useful apps
  • Obstacles
    • Toughening up to criticism–or how to cope if you can’t
    • Connections and networking: more important than you think
    • Growing too fast: slow follower growth is GOOD
    • The importance of honest people
    • Self-publishing and industry respect
  • Q&A
This should all take between 90 minutes and two hours, depending on how many questions there are–and please do bring questions! Also, feel free to email me questions ahead of time if you don’t see them addressed in the outline and I’ll do my best to work them into the material.
Buy tickets here:
I look forward to meeting with you soon!

How Far in Advance to Hire a Publicist and a Book Marketing Plan Timeline: Book Marketing without B.S. #4

Book Marketing without B.S. is a weekly publicity and marketing advice column for writers and other creators who prefer a realistic, clear, and no-nonsense approach. My goal is to help you cut through the bullshit with direct, understandable advice you won’t be embarrassed to follow. Send your questions to

Today brings another pair of related questions. The first is “How long before my book comes out should I hire a publicist?”

It depends to a certain degree what you’re looking for and on how in-demand the publicist is. My business is relatively young, so six months is plenty of lead time for me, and I can absolutely work with much less if required. I’ve even done emergency publicity!

Ideally, for prose novels, pre-work work for publicity should start anywhere from 4-6 months before release (for long lead-time review spots such as Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, and Library Journal). It is helpful to give your publicist plenty of time before that to plan and, if necessary, work with your publisher. Graphic novels and comics can work with a bit less lead time.

While this represents the ideal, it’s possible to do good work with much less time, too. Just bear in mind that for the biggest and busiest review spots that if you don’t give them at least a few months you aren’t likely to get reviewed. Other than that, 1-3 months is plenty for most reviewers and for setting up a lot of your publicity.

What if you try it yourself and suddenly realize, right before (or right after) release that you want some help after all? You can get help at the last minute, too, but it’s important to understand that many major spots won’t accept books that are either close to or post-release. Many excellent reviewers and sites will; however, so all is not lost. Just realize that you’re not going to get The New York Times from a book that is already released. Not even John Scalzi’s Big Idea, for that matter.

So for you TL;DR types: the best time to contact a publicist (at least for this publicist) is 5-6 months before release, but anything can work (even post-release books) as long as what you expect from your results is realistic.

The next question is “What timeline should I use to plan my book marketing?”

As  I mentioned above, if your book is eligible to be reviewed by Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, Book Slut, and other long lead-time publications., then send those review copies/galleys out 4-6 months before release date. Send these with a one-sheet, which is important to include with mailed copies.

For the rest, you’ll query. (Unless they say it is OK to send a book, of course, then you send the book with a one-sheet or via email/NetGalley, depending on the reviewer’s preferences.) A query is just seeing if a blogger or reviewer wants to look at the book and of course an offer to send one. As far as the timing, my assumption is that you’ve read other websites’ and publications’ and bloggers’ review and publicity submission guidelines. If you have, you’ll know how to stagger the rest of the schedule. Some will need to go out 3-5 months, some 1-3 months, some 5-6 weeks. This is one of the more time-consuming things: finding the right targets and making sure that you have them scheduled correctly. Don’t be shy about writing these down in order or using an electronic calendar to keep track. 

Make sure that as you query–particularly blogs and media you know accept guest posts and do interviews–ask for what you want from that site. Something along the lines of “If you like the idea or the book enough, I’d love the chance to do a guest blog post for you. I can do it on (sample topic 1) or (sample topic 2), or if you have something you’d like to hear about, I’ll gladly write that instead.”

2-4 months before release: if you want to set up book signings or readings, now is the time. Note that very popular reading series, such as KGB, may require 6-7 months of lead time. 

3 weeks to release date: handle your correspondence and write guest blog posts as required. If you have an interview or need to finalize any in-person events, make sure you have what you need. If you do book signings/talks, then you’ll want a poster of some kind to take with you.

What about those queries? Once it’s been 2-3 weeks, it is OK to follow up with people to whom you have sent QUERIES. If you’ve already sent an actual book (often those long lead time publications from above,) then don’t follow up. While we’re at it, if you ever send a press release (and usually you do not send those for books,) don’t follow up on those, either. Anyway, queries you can follow up, but they should be super polite and low pressure. 

At release time and after: make sure you’re meeting your deadlines and following through on commitments. If you get a good review or a guest blog or an interview, share it. Share when your book is released, too. Anything like that is fine. A bit more often on Twitter than on Facebook. Don’t forget though: if all you do is push your books, people will stop listening to you.

You may also find it helpful to revisit 5 No-BS Twitter Tips for Authors and 5 Steps to a Quality Blog Tour

Anyhow: this is a very rough and basic guideline. Each project will have to be planned based on its own requirements and based the resources of you and your publisher. As always, let me know if you have any questions about your situation.

That’s all for this week. Keep an eye out for the first of the semi-regular calls for submission columns. 

Keep those questions coming, and sign up to get my posts sent directly to your email by clicking here. Thanks for all the support!

The Secret to Contacting Traditional Media for Book Publicity

I haven’t contacted as many traditional media outlets as I have websites and bloggers for publicity–if for no other reason than traditional media is on a decline or integrating with online media–but, as it turns out, the secret is that there isn’t much of a secret. It still remains connections, politeness, reading directions, and being an all-around good human being.

I go into some of this in my earlier article 5 Steps to a Quality Blog Tour, but here is more info with an eye toward bigger sites/traditional media publicity queries.

The main difference I’ve found with my work is that personal connections and networking count for even more with bigger publications, print, television, or otherwise. It’s not impossible to get into a major spot without connections; but it’s much, much harder. I had a campaign recently that didn’t go as well as I’d have liked, because it was outside of my usual industry and I had almost no connections. I got some traction, but it wasn’t even close to my usual success rate.

I am sad I even have to say this, but horror stories I hear time and time again show me it’s still necessary. Say please. Say thank you. Don’t be a jerk. Related to politeness:

You’re hoping for the best, naturally. You may even feel a lot of stress because you put so much of yourself (time and money) into your project. Those are all real and valid things and it’s OK to feel them. What you mustn’t lose sight of is that each of the people you’re querying are also human beings with lives, hectic jobs–and often more than one of those. They are really busy, and you are not even close to the only person querying, so be patient and remember that everyone else’s world doesn’t revolve around you and your creation, even when you wish it were so.

If you don’t know what RTFM is, go to Google. I’ll wait. For those of us who do know, though, you’ll get it. Most places have submission or query guidelines, or at least a note about whether they are even open to hearing from you. Please follow the instructions. If you can’t find instructions, they have enough content and aren’t specifically looking for more. This is where your connections and networking come in.

Following Up Appropriately
Following up is a tricky one. I see conflicting info out there, but I think it’s safe to say that if you send one query and you don’t hear back for two to three weeks, it’s OK to send a very brief follow-up, but don’t send any more if you don’t hear back.

An example of a brief follow up might be just asking if a (solicited or accepted post-query!) review copy was received. Don’t ask when the review is happening, or if it’s happening. That’s up to them, not you.

Note: if you send a press release or an unsolicited review copy, don’t follow up. With the advice above, I am only talking about emailed queries asking for publicity or asking permission to send a review copy.

Creators/authors: any experiences or tips that you want to share?

Journalists/bloggers: any thoughts on the way you prefer to be approached–especially with regard to following up?

I’d love to hear from you. You can post in the comments or contact me.

Also, coming soon, my new column about marketing your book, comic, movie, and (of course) yourself.

Guest Post: I Am Finished Writing My Novel. Now What?

Today we hear from freelance editor and author of The Dragon Whisperer, Vanessa Ricci-Thode.

So you just finished writing your book? Congrats! Reward yourself! Go grab some ice cream. Have a wild evening out with friends. You’ve earned it. Few people ever even start writing a book, never mind finishing one. You’re a star!
Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. That’s right, writing a novel is the easy part! If you’re completely lost about what to do next, then you’ve come to the right place.
Step away from the manuscript and no one gets hurt
Give the novel some time to simmer. Do anything that doesn’t involve tinkering with your shiny new draft. It’s one of the first thing Susan Bell recommends in her excellent book The Artful Edit. Even the masters of literary abandon at NaNoWriMo suggest taking time off before getting back to work on your novel, and they’ve got some excellent tips on what you should do next.
Don’t fall in love with your words
Once you’re back at it with fresh eyes, you need to remember that this is a first draft. Don’t get too attached to it and it will be easier to focus your revisions. You’ll need to watch out for those “darlings” Stephen King warns us about in On Writing, as well as point of view problems, and the insidious matter of telling rather than showing.
It all seems daunting, especially when you consider that this is still the beginning stages of revision, but there are many tools available to a resourceful and dedicated writer. I’ve named some already, and one of my favourite books on this subject is The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman.
Find a second (or third or fourth) set of eyes
No one can wholly edit their own work — and this from a professional editor! — so find some objective friends and family members. Get them to read your book and give feedback — constructive feedback! Be sure to ask them how you could improve. Don’t have any readers in your social circle or family? Join a writers group or submit to an online critique group like Critters.
Editors aren’t your enemy
Okay, by now you should have gone through at least one more draft of your novel, but dozens of rewrites wouldn’t be unusual (or even a bad sign). You’re confident that you’ve got the best manuscript you’re capable of. Remember my second point and don’t get too attached. You may have taken your novel as far as you can, but a good editor can guide you in taking your writing to dizzying new heights.
Whether you plan to self-publish or approach traditional publishing houses, remember that good editors want your book to succeed. When they make suggestions, they aren’t trying to “tear apart” all that you’ve worked so hard for. It’s an editor’s job to point out lingering weaknesses and guide you in making your novel truly shine.
If you want to hire an editor (and I strongly recommend it if you plan to self-publish), there are plenty of places, like the EAC, to find qualified professional editors for whatever genre or length of story you’ve written. Do your research and make sure you find an editor who is the right fit.
Time to publish?
I frequently have authors ask me, after all the above steps have been taken, where to find publishers. There’s always the option of self-publishing, and I could fill a whole post on that. For traditional publishers and markets, I recommend checking out Duotrope’s listings, as well as two great print resources: Jeff Herman’s Guide to Editors Publishers and Agents, and the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market.

Final comments from Beverly: Thanks very much, Vanessa! These are useful, practical tips. One note I wanted to share with readers is that Duotrope is now largely a paid site. They’re the top name in the game; but there are donation-only alternatives, such as The Submission Grinder.

Another note is that if you really feel that you can’t afford to hire an editor or proofreader (or cover artist for that matter), you have the option of hiring a student for a smaller amount of money. You pay less, but bear in mind you also get less experience, so you must keep expectations realistic.

If you have any questions or comments for Vanessa, leave them in the comments. 

Vanessa is a word sorceress working as both a fiction author and editor with a focus on genre fiction. She’s been writing her whole life, and has been a freelance editor for three years, with active membership in the EAC. Visit her website at for details.

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Closed for Queries on 2013 Release Dates

The response to Beverly Bambury Publicity has been overwhelming, and so it is with gratitude and pleasure that I annouce that I am no longer accepting queries for 2013 releases. (Well, maybe a little sadness, too, since it means I won’t get to work with so many of you!)

The one exception: if you and I have a prior relationship, please do contact me even with 2013 releases. I don’t have much space left, but it’s much less time consuming to work with someone whose work I already know, so I may be able to squeeze something into the schedule.

If you have a 2014 release please contact me soon; I’ll gladly make tentative arrangements that we can solidify closer to your release.