The Amazing Stories Response to the Travelling to Cons on the Cheap Guest Post

A while back, Effie Seiberg was kind enough to author a guest post for me, The Cheapskate’s Guide to SF/F cons: A Guest Post. It’s been among the more popular posts on my blog with its useful info that balances being a fan and attending cons for fun, and the all-important business-savvy advice.

Today Steve Davidson, the head honcho over at Amazing Stories, wrote about his experiences at conventions on the cheap from when he was younger and contrasted that with the modern experience. He was kind enough to mention my thought that it could be different for women to do things like crash in rooms or (gasp!) hitchhike. I really appreciated this response and the contrast with how things were before I’d ever even heard of cons. So thanks, Steve!

Anyhow: I encourage you to go take a look at his post. Thanks, as always, for reading.

One Reply to “The Amazing Stories Response to the Travelling to Cons on the Cheap Guest Post”

  1. I noticed that Steve featured the post, congrats! The last con I went to was Worldcon when it was here in Chicago (Chicon) but before that it was… when I was a teen, and it was all about saving up for a hotel and finding someone who could drive!

    I'd like to go to more cons – hopefully in the future, I will! 🙂

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